Monday, January 9, 2012

This Year – Persevere

I’m so excited for 2012.  Coming out of a very hard year, I’m ready to move ahead and firmly keep my feet planted on God’s Word and promises.  I’m ready to fight, grow, love, laugh, learn and explore.  I’m feeling healthier, stronger and freer…blessed with a great group of Godly counsel, friends and new hope.  I opened up a devotional I’ve had for a couple of years on new years day to find exactly what I needed to help me on the journey of 2012.  The first five days of the devotional go over the same verse “We will reap a harvest if we do not give up” Galatians 6:19 NIV.  Woah, I want to see the harvest, but I’m good at giving up.

Below are three excerpts from “The Word for You Today: 365 Days of Strength and Guidance, Vol 5” by Bob Gass and Galatians 6:9 translations.

Perseverance means: Recognizing life is not one big race, but many short ones in succession. Each task has its own challenges and each day its own events.  You have to get out of bed the next morning and run again, but it’s never exactly the same race.  To be successful you must keep plugging away.  It’s said that Columbus faced incredible difficulties while sailing west in search of a passage to Asia. He encountered storms, experienced hunger, deprivation and extreme discouragement.  The crews of his three ships were near mutiny.  But his account of the journey says the same thing over and over: “Today, we sailed on.”  And his perseverance paid off.  He didn’t discover a fast route to the spice-rich Indies; instead he found a new continent.  The spiritual key to success is – running the race each day (See Hebrew 12:1-2).  So this year – persevere.

“So let's not get tired of doing what is good.
At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.”
Galatians 6:9 NLT

Perseverance turns adversity into advancement. Paul writes, “Everything that has happened to me here has helped to spread the Good News” (Php 1:12 NLT).  Paul didn’t give up – he rose up! How did he do it? He found the benefit to him personally that comes from spiritual trial.  One Christian author writes: “Today we’re obsessed with speed, but is more interested in strength and stability.  We want the quick fix, the shortcut, the on-the-spot solution.  We want a sermon, a seminar or an experience that will instantly resolve all problems, remove all temptation and release us from all growing pains.  But real maturity is never the result of a single experience, no matter how powerful or moving.” Growth is gradual.  The Bible says, “Our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters…and we become like him” (2 Co 3:18 TM).”

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 ESV

Perseverance doesn’t demand more than we have, but all that we have.  Author Frank Tyger observed, “In every triumph, there is a lot of try.”  But perseverance means more than just trying or working hard.  Perseverance is an investment.  It’s a willingness to bind yourself emotionally, intellectually, physically and spiritually to an idea, purpose or task until it has been completed.  Perseverance demands a lot, but here’s the good news: everything you give is an investment in yourself.  Each time you do the right thing – seek God, work hard, treat others with respect, learn and grow – you invest in yourself.  To do these things every day takes perseverance, but if you do the your success if guaranteed.

“So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good.
At the right time we will harvest a good crop
if we don't give up, or quit.”
Galatians 6:9 The Message

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