Monday, February 28, 2011

My husband makes me laugh!

Lately hubby has me cracking up!!

He cannot read out loud the word “Tortilla.”  On more than one occasion when reading me the grocery list or at the grocery store he’s said “Tor-tila.”  He makes me double over laughing.  He can say the word no problem, he just can’t say it while reading it.

Last week he asked me “Did the groundhog see his face?” in reference to Groundhog Day.  Hmmm…the only way the groundhog saw his face is if it had a mirror.  “Do you mean see his shadow?”  Yep, laughed at him…not with him.

At church last week he was reading quiz questions to the Junior Bible Quizers and read the name (Pontius) Pilate as Pilates…like the exercise, not as Pilot.  I heard about that from one of our helpers! J  I guess the kids looked at him like “what?”

The best has to be when we were watching The Office.  He pointed to Michael Scott/Steve Carell and said, “I can’t believe he’s marrying a Kardashian.”  I said he’s already married.  “No, I saw it online and on a magazine, he’s marrying a Kardashian.”  I insisted he dreamed this up.  I went so far as to do a web search on Steve Carell and Kardashian…nodda. He said that a Kardashian is marrying Michael Scott.  I started laughing and said his name is Steve Carell, and he’s married.  He went online and looked it up…sure enough he saw the name Scott and assumed it was Michael Scott.  Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

 This his "why are you taking a photo of me, again?" face.  I love you!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Let Go & Let God!

This morning I woke up feeling 100% whole physically and's been a trying week for both.  The pain in my neck is no longer debilitating...thanks to prayers and my awesome Chiropractor.  The ache is my heart is less severe...My God...My Healer!

Normally I'm a person who's first thought isn't to first thought is to whine, complain or pout...THEN I remember to pray.  The past two weeks God has changed my thinking and sent to my knees BEFORE I can go to my flesh.  When you let go and let God in everything goes so much easier...when you allow God to take over, instead of fighting Him for control...things make sense. God reminded me of this verse today:
"My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior.." 2 Samuel 22:3
Yesterday I read a cool description of the book of Leviticus in my Daily Message Bible and I feel led to share it. These are not my words, but those of Eugene H. Peterson the author of The Message/ReMix: Pause, A Daily Reading Bible.  Here are some portions:
One of the stubbornly enduring habits of the human race is to insist on domesticating God. We are determined to tame him. We figure out ways to harness God to our projects. We try to reduce God to a size that conveniently fits our plans and ambitions and tastes. God cannot fit into our plans, we must fit into his.  We can't use God - God is not a tool or appliance or credit card.
’Holy’ is the word that sets God apart…’Holy’ means God is alive on God’s terms, alive in a way that exceeds our experience and imagination. ‘Holy’ refers to life burning with an intense purity that transforms everything it touches into itself.
...the seemingly endless details and instructions of Leviticus become signposts of good news to us: God cares that much about the details of our lives, willing everything in and about us into that St. Paul later commended:
"So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. "  Romans 12:1-2

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What a pain in the neck...literally!

Sunday morning I woke up with a kink in my neck.  I took Advil and used some Tiger Balm on the muscles.  I couldn't move my neck, so if I needed to look at something I had to turn my whole body.   I was able to get through the work day with minimal discomfort.  As the day wore on I kept popping the Advil (every 4 hours), tried heat a few time and even used Lavender oil to help relieve the pain.  By Sunday night I couldn't straighten out my neck, it was lopped over to the left side trying desperately to touch my shoulder.  The muscles on the right side of my neck were getting sore from the strain too.  I thought about taking a pain pill leftover from passing my kidney stone - but realized that they make me dizzy and cause me to throw up.  With my neck stuck it would be very, very hard to throw up...and possibly hurt my neck more.

I was able to sleep a few hours in bed and a couple more on the couch.  I woke up not being able to use my left arm, the pain of putting on pants and socks was unbearable.  Monday morning I got into the chiropractor and hubby had to drive me.  Every little bump in the road caused me so much pain.  The chiropractor was afraid I wasn't even going to be able to lay on the table, but I forced myself too.  He adjusted me and put a little pulsating thing on my neck.  I left being way more stiff than before, but "no pain, no gain."  I trust my Dr completely and know that putting me back together is going to hurt.  We got home and I was walking up the stairs when our little evil cat tripped me...moving my arms out in front of me to catch myself was excruciating.  I ended up sitting in our sofa chair for a few hours only able to move my arms from the elbows down.  I put ice on my shoulder, neck and base of neck, ate lunch prepared by hubby, typed on the computer and had to drink using a straw.  I felt 100 years old.  I was able to take a nap for a few hours and woke up very stiff.  As the day went on I forced myself to use my arms and cleaned up my crafting mess and was able to move with some pain.  I still could not straighten or move my neck.  The Doctor said I have "acute torticollis."

Again last night I was able to sleep a few hours in bed and a couple more on the couch.  I'm just as "frozen" as before, taking Advil every 4 hours and icing the muscles often.  Day 3!!!  My neck is stuck to the left, with my shoulder trying to touch it.  This is causing lots of strain in the muscles at the base of my neck and right side of my neck.  I can only move my arms without pain, if I don't need to use any muscles in my neck...which means bending, unbuttoning jeans, reaching for things on shelves in unbearable.  I tried to smile for the picture and my smile is broken too.  :(

 Glory to God.  My trust is in Him.  Please pray for me, God loves to hear from us.
"But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall." Malachi 4:2.
I need a healing so I can leap like the calves.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Some thoughts

The more real you are with people, and the more you put yourself out in this world, the more you can expect criticism and unkind words directed at you.  I needed to put down my thoughts on the phrase “Good Enough.”

Good Enough.
Not Good Enough?
Good Enough to Me.
Good Enough.

Good Enough means DONE.
Good Enough means EFFORT.
Good Enough is REALISTIC.
Good Enough is my BEST.
Good Enough is Time Management.
Good Enough is My Perfect.
Good Enough is Creativity.
Good Enough is Fun.

Good Enough is not always Easy.
Good Enough is not Coping out.
Good Enough does not mean Giving Up.

Good Enough.
Is it Good Enough?
Who is Good Enough?

Recently I did some searching on the terms Good Enough and came across a couple of articles.  I would like to share some excerpts.

Effort vs. Results
• "Perfect" is results driven.
"Good enough" is effort driven – a far more realistic and important quality, regardless of outcome. Time and time again, we see that the truer measure of personal success is “in the trying.”

• "Perfect" sets up unrealistic expectations. If we're not leaping with marital joy 24/7, or if our child was born with the temperament of Genghis Kahn, we feel there's a party going on and our invite was lost in the mail.
"Good enough" lets us manage life in the Real Lane. We see potential and limits, evaluate them, forge strategies, and make solid choices based on effort and circumstances.

•"Perfect," means we've "failed" if we haven't achieved each lofty goal.
"Good enough" means we've tried our best. We can persevere or move on without self-flagellation.

Another article found here: Getting to Good Enough 
"But the fact is you can avoid perfectionism and still create work that is good enough — that does what it’s supposed to do reliably. Good planning, confidence in yourself, learning from your mistakes — these are the elements of a job done well enough; unrealistic planning, a lack of confidence, and avoiding mistakes are the hallmarks of both perfectionism and half-assed work."

What I love about this part of the article is that mentions, “that it does what it’s supposed to do reliably.”  It means getting the job done well, and when you promised or it was asked of you…before the deadline.

In crafting is where I first started using the words "good enough."  I have been creating scrapbooks since 1996 and loving it.  I love the social aspect of it, I love the feeling of accomplishment and the complete control I have on my creativity.  I have spent hundreds of hours working on and FINISHING my books.  I know so many women who get hung up on it having to be a certain standard that they cannot finish, because they have to be perfect.  I personally will not do any form of crafting that has to be exact.  I will not sew, knit or crochet...only because I want to enjoy what I am doing and for me enjoyment comes without having to count stitches or make a straight line. For others, they love it and that's what's so great about creativity and personalities - to each there own.  It doesn’t mean one activity is better than the other, it comes from your abilities and your personality and your God Given Talent.

Good Enough is just words, it’s just a phrase, it does not define me.  What defines me is my relationship with Christ.  Who I am in Christ, how my walk is with Him and where my actions lie in. Actions speak louder than words.  The next time I catch myself putting down a phrase, words people use or something so minor in this world I want to remember to ask God to show me only love for them, and not judge.

“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.”
 Acts 20:24

Monday, February 7, 2011

Birthday Celebrating Begins!!

Tonight we went out to eat to celebrate a friend and my birthday.  We had planned this weeks ago and picked out a new restaurant for all of us to experience - an expensive restaurant.  Honestly when we planned out the celebration we didn't realize it was the Super Bowl, for me it was a night off from work.  We arrived at the restaurant at 4:45pm only to be told they were closing at 5pm for the Super Bowl.  I was livid - I have never been a fan of sports, but this is icing on the cake.  Football changes the priorities of so many people in my life, that it irks me to no end.  My favorite day of the year is the DAY AFTER the Super Bowl.  I'm not sure if we'll ever try to go back to this place to eat. 1) It's expensive 2) I'm not sure I can ever look at them the same again.  They closed 4 hours early for a dang sporting event...and our state wasn't even in it!  Ugh!!!!  Soooooo bummed and irked.

We ended up eating at a great Mexican restaurant and having a great time...and it was less money! :)  After dinner we headed to our friends house for cake....the cake of all cakes.  The Tinkerbell cake I've been joking about and providing count downs til my birthday for.  It was AMAZING!! I marvel at all the details (the whole things sparkled!!)...and it tasted amazing with a mint icing.  Best Birthday Cake EVER!!!!!!!

They also blessed me with a Michael's I can continue to create more things!

We gave him birdie things I made - he & I are both obsessed with the cute bird from the French Manor Cricut Cartridge that my mom owns.  This whole thing cost $4.  Vase & Frame (painted) from the Dollar Tree.  Magnet was a re-purposed "Save the Date" magnet from a year ago.  The soaps were $1 each at Target.  We also gave him a gift-card to Half-Priced Books.

This is a great start to my birthday week!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Christmas 2011 Decorations

It was so sad to have to take them down...this year was my house was so cozy & cute.

Later we added a few more lit trees & new stockings:

I had a few issues with all the lights we use for outdoors.  Half of each strand was burnt out.  In frustration I threw the lights into a ball and plugged them in...and an idea formed.  I got a flower planter and stuck it on the deck....this is how "Ghetto Ball" came to be:

Some of the gifts I gave at Christmas

I went to Goodwill & picked up a few wall plaques:
I sanded them down & painted them.  Using my mom's Cricut (I didn't get mine until Christmas)...and some mod podge, I made gifts for many people.

My mom gave me the idea of decorating soap bottles.  I peeled off the front sticker, using a little "Goo Gone" and picked a Cricut shape.

I got a cute hat at Kohls for $1.25.  After wearing it for a few days someone noticed it has a little silver skull on it.  I found an idea to cover it with a felt flower found here (Felt Flower ).  

 I made a few mod podge candles too.  Found the idea here: Mod Pdge Candles .
I purchased my candles at Goodwill and Michaels (using 40% coupons)

Friday, February 4, 2011

I've been up to a lot of fun lately!!

Let's start with my mantle first.  Christmas was up from mid November - mid January.  This is what it looked like to now:
From Left to Right:

~Candle stick from Goodwill $.49 painted glossy black
~Green bird from Michaels on sale $1.79
~Red star on clearance $5 at JoAnns
~Black star $1.99 at Michaels painted glossy black
~White & Black Bird houses $1 each at JoAnns painted
~Silver birdhouse $1 at Michaels
~Apothocary Jar $5 at Michael's (using 50% off coupon).  Filled w/ M&M's
~Framed scrapbook paper with Bird - free- leftover stuff, used at Christmas decoration
~White "xoxo" sign-leftover stuff from Christmas projects
~Candle holders from Goodwill, painted 1 of them black.  Were $8.00
~Candles from Michaels modge podged napkins onto them (leftover from Christmas gifts)
~Star garland - free-  Used cardboard from recycling bin at work, scrapbook paper, modge podge, star cookie cutter and ribbon leftover from an old project (I don't even remember buying it)

The materials to make this mantle awesome were around $25!!!