Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What a pain in the neck...literally!

Sunday morning I woke up with a kink in my neck.  I took Advil and used some Tiger Balm on the muscles.  I couldn't move my neck, so if I needed to look at something I had to turn my whole body.   I was able to get through the work day with minimal discomfort.  As the day wore on I kept popping the Advil (every 4 hours), tried heat a few time and even used Lavender oil to help relieve the pain.  By Sunday night I couldn't straighten out my neck, it was lopped over to the left side trying desperately to touch my shoulder.  The muscles on the right side of my neck were getting sore from the strain too.  I thought about taking a pain pill leftover from passing my kidney stone - but realized that they make me dizzy and cause me to throw up.  With my neck stuck it would be very, very hard to throw up...and possibly hurt my neck more.

I was able to sleep a few hours in bed and a couple more on the couch.  I woke up not being able to use my left arm, the pain of putting on pants and socks was unbearable.  Monday morning I got into the chiropractor and hubby had to drive me.  Every little bump in the road caused me so much pain.  The chiropractor was afraid I wasn't even going to be able to lay on the table, but I forced myself too.  He adjusted me and put a little pulsating thing on my neck.  I left being way more stiff than before, but "no pain, no gain."  I trust my Dr completely and know that putting me back together is going to hurt.  We got home and I was walking up the stairs when our little evil cat tripped me...moving my arms out in front of me to catch myself was excruciating.  I ended up sitting in our sofa chair for a few hours only able to move my arms from the elbows down.  I put ice on my shoulder, neck and base of neck, ate lunch prepared by hubby, typed on the computer and had to drink using a straw.  I felt 100 years old.  I was able to take a nap for a few hours and woke up very stiff.  As the day went on I forced myself to use my arms and cleaned up my crafting mess and was able to move with some pain.  I still could not straighten or move my neck.  The Doctor said I have "acute torticollis."

Again last night I was able to sleep a few hours in bed and a couple more on the couch.  I'm just as "frozen" as before, taking Advil every 4 hours and icing the muscles often.  Day 3!!!  My neck is stuck to the left, with my shoulder trying to touch it.  This is causing lots of strain in the muscles at the base of my neck and right side of my neck.  I can only move my arms without pain, if I don't need to use any muscles in my neck...which means bending, unbuttoning jeans, reaching for things on shelves in unbearable.  I tried to smile for the picture and my smile is broken too.  :(

 Glory to God.  My trust is in Him.  Please pray for me, God loves to hear from us.
"But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall." Malachi 4:2.
I need a healing so I can leap like the calves.

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