Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Why Yes, I am a Super Hero...and I have the cape to prove it

In less than a week I'm going to camp to be a Color Captain Pastor for the green team!  I'm super excited..until I realized I barely have any green clothes.  I had the idea to have my mom or sis make me a super hero cape...but then I found a no-sew cape on a blog.  I knew I could do it myself!  Here's the inspiration cape the-six-minute-superhero-cape/

I found a lime green t-shirt at JoAnn's on clearance for $1.97, grabbed a scissors, a pen and a level from the tool closet...and went to town.  Only took about 3 mins and that's because the first pen wouldn't work on the t-shirt.

Step 1: Lay out t-shirt

Step 2: Trace a straight line from each bottom corner of shirt up to the neck

Step 3: Cut on the lines, keeping the neckline in tact...and you have your cape!

I'm trying to decide if I'm going to decorate it at all.  I can wear it around my neck or as a headband (kinda looks like a green veil.  haha)

Super Tink is ready for camp!!!

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