Friday, February 18, 2011

Some thoughts

The more real you are with people, and the more you put yourself out in this world, the more you can expect criticism and unkind words directed at you.  I needed to put down my thoughts on the phrase “Good Enough.”

Good Enough.
Not Good Enough?
Good Enough to Me.
Good Enough.

Good Enough means DONE.
Good Enough means EFFORT.
Good Enough is REALISTIC.
Good Enough is my BEST.
Good Enough is Time Management.
Good Enough is My Perfect.
Good Enough is Creativity.
Good Enough is Fun.

Good Enough is not always Easy.
Good Enough is not Coping out.
Good Enough does not mean Giving Up.

Good Enough.
Is it Good Enough?
Who is Good Enough?

Recently I did some searching on the terms Good Enough and came across a couple of articles.  I would like to share some excerpts.

Effort vs. Results
• "Perfect" is results driven.
"Good enough" is effort driven – a far more realistic and important quality, regardless of outcome. Time and time again, we see that the truer measure of personal success is “in the trying.”

• "Perfect" sets up unrealistic expectations. If we're not leaping with marital joy 24/7, or if our child was born with the temperament of Genghis Kahn, we feel there's a party going on and our invite was lost in the mail.
"Good enough" lets us manage life in the Real Lane. We see potential and limits, evaluate them, forge strategies, and make solid choices based on effort and circumstances.

•"Perfect," means we've "failed" if we haven't achieved each lofty goal.
"Good enough" means we've tried our best. We can persevere or move on without self-flagellation.

Another article found here: Getting to Good Enough 
"But the fact is you can avoid perfectionism and still create work that is good enough — that does what it’s supposed to do reliably. Good planning, confidence in yourself, learning from your mistakes — these are the elements of a job done well enough; unrealistic planning, a lack of confidence, and avoiding mistakes are the hallmarks of both perfectionism and half-assed work."

What I love about this part of the article is that mentions, “that it does what it’s supposed to do reliably.”  It means getting the job done well, and when you promised or it was asked of you…before the deadline.

In crafting is where I first started using the words "good enough."  I have been creating scrapbooks since 1996 and loving it.  I love the social aspect of it, I love the feeling of accomplishment and the complete control I have on my creativity.  I have spent hundreds of hours working on and FINISHING my books.  I know so many women who get hung up on it having to be a certain standard that they cannot finish, because they have to be perfect.  I personally will not do any form of crafting that has to be exact.  I will not sew, knit or crochet...only because I want to enjoy what I am doing and for me enjoyment comes without having to count stitches or make a straight line. For others, they love it and that's what's so great about creativity and personalities - to each there own.  It doesn’t mean one activity is better than the other, it comes from your abilities and your personality and your God Given Talent.

Good Enough is just words, it’s just a phrase, it does not define me.  What defines me is my relationship with Christ.  Who I am in Christ, how my walk is with Him and where my actions lie in. Actions speak louder than words.  The next time I catch myself putting down a phrase, words people use or something so minor in this world I want to remember to ask God to show me only love for them, and not judge.

“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.”
 Acts 20:24

1 comment:

  1. Love "manage life in the real lane"....what a great phrase! <3
